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Dear Parents, maybe don't skip the piano lessons!

Building Resilience Through the Power of Music

Editor's Note: None of the songs or choirs here argue for religion, politics, or sensuality.

Dear Bruneians,

In a world that often tests the limits of our strength and endurance, we find solace and inspiration in the universal language of music. It is with great enthusiasm that I address you today to explore the profound connection between music and resilience—a synergy that has the potential to uplift and empower individuals, communities, and societies at large. I myself am a fan of singing in the shower or karaoke at home.

Understanding Resilience

Resilience is not merely the ability to bounce back from adversity; it is the capacity to grow and thrive in the face of challenges. It is a quality that shapes our responses to life's inevitable setbacks and transforms adversity into an opportunity for growth. In the pursuit of resilience, we turn to an extraordinary ally: music.

The Transformative Power of Music

Music has an unparalleled ability to evoke emotions, memories, and a sense of unity. Protest too, sometimes, when faced with Injustice, as was the case with 'Zombie' by The Cranberries. It transcends cultural, linguistic, and geographical boundaries, offering a shared experience that resonates with the human spirit. During times of adversity, the melodies and rhythms of music have the extraordinary power to heal wounds, soothe troubled minds, and fortify the human soul, such as in national songs and anthems. Listen to La Marseillaise, for example:

Embedded in the harmonies and lyrics of songs, we discover stories of triumph over hardship, narratives that echo the human journey of resilience. These stories serve as beacons of hope, guiding us through the darkest moments and reminding us of our innate strength.

**Videos as Catalysts for Resilience**

To further illustrate the transformative power of music, I encourage you to explore the attached videos that capture the essence of resilience through various musical expressions. Witness the emotional impact of musicians who sing about adversity or tragedy, providing a sense of continuity amidst chaos. Take Flipsyde's song about the loss of a loved one for instance.

Experience the joyous harmony of diverse voices coming together to overcome adversity in a virtual choir performance.


Flipsyde song (trigger warning: miscarriage and pregnancy):

Singing when you are sad or stressed.

Aggretsuko, which is on Netflix, is an anime about a Red Panda in a Sanrio-esque world based on Japan. She does the daily grind, also inspired by the tiring corporate world of Japan. To release steam, she karaokes metal songs.

This is based on reality as people in Japan really do visit karaoke parlours after work, even when they are by themselves. Isn't this hilarious? While in Brunei, I am sure many of us are talented shower singers. Others release our golden voices only during special occasions like parties, or when entertaining guests who we invite over to visit our homes. Many Bruneians are also fans of traditional and classic instruments, both local and western. Maybe your parents emphasized the discipline naturally brought on by piano practice. Other parents may have encouraged gulingtangan to connect their children to our culture and history as proud Malays. Our traditions after all, are honourable and worth preserving. Science, psychology, and sociology can attest to the fact that music does in fact help resilience. You need discipline to get through an adverse situation that requires a growth mindset after all.


Music de-stresses us, hence building our resilience:

Community Initiatives: Fostering Resilience Through Music

Beyond individual experiences, communities can harness the power of music to build collective resilience. Local initiatives, such as community choirs, music therapy programs (could go under art therapy), and collaborative songwriting projects, can create spaces where individuals come together to share their stories and find strength in unity. As we celebrate the unique role of music in fostering resilience, let us also explore and support these community-driven endeavors.

Educational Outreach: Integrating Music into Resilience Training

Education plays a pivotal role in shaping resilient individuals. Integrating music into resilience training programs can enhance emotional intelligence, coping mechanisms, and stress management skills. Through workshops, seminars, and curriculum development, we can empower individuals to harness the therapeutic benefits of music for their well-being.

In conclusion, the connection between music and resilience is a profound testament to the human spirit's ability to overcome challenges. As we navigate the complexities of life, let us recognize and embrace the transformative power of music as a source of strength, inspiration, and unity.

Together, let us build a harmonious world—one resilient note at a time.



Dear Brunei

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1 Comment

Thank you for an uplifting testimonial to the positive power of music. When we feel down, misunderstood, alone, or otherwise "not okay," music often allows us to feel understood, connected and inspired. Many songs let us know that we're not the only ones who feel this way. We can feel connected to the musician who seems to understand how we feel. And when we know we're not alone, we typically feel better. We may find even more inspiration knowing that a talented and successful musician might have felt the same way we do.

Feeling connected and understood are key components of therapy, and sometimes music can provide us with these feelings too.

Thank you for sharing your insights!

Clarity Sdn…

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