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I stopped ignoring self care. Did better at work!

Updated: Jan 5

Dear Readers,

Embarking on the adventure of teaching English in Japan has been a journey filled with unique challenges and unexpected rewards. Amidst the demands of a corporate teaching job, I found myself grappling with the stresses that accompany such a profession. However, it was through these struggles that I discovered the transformative power of holistic wellness practices.

Rising with the Sun: A 5 am Revelation

In the pursuit of a healthier mental state, I decided to break away from the norm and began waking up at 5 am every morning, before the world had fully embraced the day. This shift in my daily routine became a catalyst for positive change, setting the stage for a newfound sense of well-being.

Embracing the Power of Exercise

One of the pillars of my wellness journey was incorporating daily exercise into my routine. Carving out an hour each morning for physical activity not only invigorated my body but also had profound effects on my mental health. The surge of endorphins provided a natural mood boost, while the increased oxygen flow to my brain left me feeling refreshed and ready to face the day's challenges.

The Breath of Clarity: Meditation as a Guiding Light

In tandem with exercise, I delved into the world of meditation, specifically focusing on breathing exercises. This mindful practice became a cornerstone of my daily routine, offering a sanctuary of calm amid the hustle and bustle of my teaching responsibilities. The benefits extended beyond stress reduction; I found my mind becoming clearer, and my ability to concentrate improved significantly.

Unlocking Confidence and Memory through Wellness

As the days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, the positive changes became increasingly apparent. A heightened sense of confidence permeated my interactions in the classroom, and my memory experienced a notable boost. The question arose: why did exercise and meditation contribute so profoundly to my work performance?

The Science Behind the Transformation

Breaking down the science behind this transformation revealed fascinating insights. Exercise, through improved circulation and the release of endorphins, supports cognitive function by facilitating the growth of new neurons and enhancing neurotransmitter activity. Meanwhile, meditation promotes mindfulness, sharpening focus and concentration.

A Call to Wellness: Balancing the Scales of Teaching Life

My experience serves as a testament to the symbiotic relationship between physical and mental well-being. In a profession as demanding as teaching, prioritizing self-care isn't a luxury; it's a necessity. I share my journey not as a prescription but as an invitation for educators everywhere to explore the profound impact intentional wellness practices can have on both personal and professional realms.

As you navigate the diverse landscape of teaching, consider the power of rising early, moving your body, and embracing moments of mindfulness. In the pursuit of holistic well-being, may you discover a path that not only enhances your competence but also enriches your overall quality of life.

Wishing you wellness on your personal and professional journeys.

This is the first post on Dear Brunei. I made it this way to remind everyone that #selfcare is not selfish at all. You need to maintain yourself to keep going. Got a car? It needs maintenance right? Same thing. Even in business, you always reinvest into your assets. You are an asset too, and so is your body and mind.

I hope this article can set a positive tone for others who read and wish to contribute to this site. DO email us at if you wish to be a contributor and help pass the message along to others. We also have IG:

Please follow us on our journey to open up Bruneians to admit we need help for our mental and emotional health. It is part of self care and becoming a whole person. Never deny your own growth.



(Co-founder of Dear Brunei. The idea was Dorcas')


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