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An advocate's toolbelt: A simple definition of mental health.

Please share this while you're advocating. I made this for fellow advocates who need resources to break the silence around mental health advocacy. I hope it comes in useful whether you're a mental health professional or an ally.

A simple definition of mental health in English, Malay, and Chinese is provided as follows:

Mental health refers to our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It impacts how we think, feel, and act. Just like physical health, everyone has mental health that needs care. Positive mental health allows us to handle stress, build relationships, and make decisions. Mental health issues, like anxiety or depression, can affect thoughts, emotions, and daily life. It's important to recognize and address these challenges, seeking support when needed. Taking care of mental health involves maintaining a balance in various aspects of life, such as sleep, social connections, and stress management. Simple activities like exercise, mindfulness, and open communication can contribute to a healthier mental state. Remember, mental health is a spectrum, and self-care is an ongoing process for overall well-being.


Kesihatan mental merujuk kepada kesejahteraan emosi, psikologi, dan sosial kita. Ia mempengaruhi cara kita berfikir, berasa, dan bertindak. Seperti kesihatan fizikal, setiap individu mempunyai kesihatan mental yang perlu dijaga. Kesihatan mental yang positif membolehkan kita mengendalikan tekanan, membina hubungan, dan membuat keputusan. Isu kesihatan mental, seperti kebimbangan atau kemurungan, boleh mempengaruhi pemikiran, emosi, dan kehidupan harian. Penting untuk mengenalpasti dan menangani cabaran ini, mencari sokongan apabila diperlukan. Penjagaan kesihatan mental melibatkan mengekalkan keseimbangan dalam pelbagai aspek kehidupan, seperti tidur, hubungan sosial, dan pengurusan tekanan. Aktiviti mudah seperti senaman, kesedaran diri, dan komunikasi terbuka boleh menyumbang kepada keadaan mental yang lebih sihat. Ingatlah, kesihatan mental adalah spektrum, dan penjagaan diri adalah satu proses berterusan untuk kesejahteraan keseluruhan.

**Chinese (Simplified):**


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